Robert wrote: "There was no “war against Grenada. There was a war against an unpopular Grenadian military junta and a battalion of Cuban “workers”."
You are an idiot. Saying the above is like saying "Hitler didn't attack Poland. He attacked a horrible Polish government under the rule of the dictator Pilsudsky"
I may have mistakenly said "Huns conquered Rome" instead of "Huns defeated the Roman Empire and forced them to pay tribute and may have misspelled "Vietcong" because the Vietnam war was before I came to America, but you are so ignorant that you think that USA won the Viet Nam war.
The fact is that Wikipedia (which you loved to quote to others until somebody else did it to you) even uses the US defeat in the Vietnam war as a canonical example of the term "defeat":
Dictionary: de·feat (dĭ-fēt')
US Military History Companion:
American defeat in Vietnam, though, forced Americans to confront their assumptions of invincibility. A few Americans, including some political leaders, at times claimed that the United States had never really been defeated on the field of battle. But this time the mythmaking seemed to fail; most Americans accepted the reality of what they saw as America's first defeat in war. Others, especially those in the military, searched for the cause of this defeat.
Or you can read these books and articles that have "defeat" in their titles:
The Dynamics Of Defeat: The Vietnam War In Hau Nghia Province [Paperback]
Eric M Bergerud (Author)
Gaines M. Foster, Coming to Terms with Defeat: Post‐Vietnam America and the Post–Civil War South, Virginia Quarterly Review, 66 (Winter 1990), pp. 17–35
How old are you, Robert, not to know how the Vietnam war ended, Robert, and not to know that North Vietnam/Vietcong won there?
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